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Dynamic Branding

In our world today, it is now news that here are complexities to every single piece of a brand asset that exists in the world,There are usage guidelines that need to be adhered to, dates and times that need to be taken into consideration, and other regulations for each individual asset. Maintaining a consistent brand is becoming increasingly more difficult, which means flexing and shifting your brand identity also becomes more gruelling.

A strong brand foundation is necessary for a company to become dynamic so this asset increase can derail that groundwork. And why is this necessary? A study by McKinsey and Company shows that B2B companies with strong and consistent branding are 20 percent more successful than those that are inconsistent. The bottom line is that brand consistency affects a brand’s bottom line! In addition, you can lose clients’ trust, fade into the background, or become associated with poor quality.

To deliver a dynamic brand, a company needs creative capacity, brand consistency, platformed logistics, as well as measurement and insights.

For example say you have two brand identities — your regular brand voice, and then this other brand voice for positioning or campaigns. You’re going to need twice the amount of team members to manage these two brands, and execute them both equally well. Truly dynamic branding is usually executed by many different teams and requires a larger creative capacity for any organisation.

As mentioned before, brand consistency is key to dynamic branding, and DAM platforms are an essential tool for achieving that foundation. A DAM (like TalkMedia) allows users to search for a specific asset and tells users exactly how those assets should be used. By providing this type of regulation, DAMs ensure your company’s assets are being used correctly and consistently — creating more credibility and trust for your brand.

Logistics are also a huge part of building a dynamic brand. Most creatives and their constituencies spend more than 60 hours each year searching for misplaced assets, wasting time digging through disorganised folders or looking through old emails and cloud storage to locate approved creative. Time is no longer a luxury — users need the correct assets in an instant. By utilising a DAM like TalkMedia, companies no longer waste time searching for approved creative, allowing them to make data-driven decisions with accelerated brand engagement.

Finally, keeping a close eye on analytics throughout this process is crucial in the evolution of a brand. Use performance data to optimise your branding efforts and make smarter decisions henceforth.

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